stories told in Lectures & talks

Find a full list of lectures at the end of this page

Stories about augmented reality and self expression

BrainBar, Budapest, Hungary

AWE - Augmented World Expo, Munich, Germany

ARiA (AR in ACTION) MIT Media Lab, Boston, USA

Tech Open Air - Berlin, Germany

Stories about building a startup

EUvsVirus, Prezi - The Startup Journey, Virtual

BrainBar, Budapest, Hungary

The Secret of Creativity, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Frontiers of Interaction, Florence, Italy

How to invent things - story about innovation

How to invent things (Hungarian)

I code therefore I am (Hungarian)


Robotics/electronics workshop for small kids @ Prezi

Interaction design workshop  @Konstfack, Stockholm, 2004 with Jonas Öquist

Pimp my Gadget - hardware hacking workshop @ Kitchen Budapest with Massimo Banzi

Full list of talks

EUvsVirus, Prezi - The Startup Journey, Virtual

Krakow, Poland
BrainBar, Budapest, Hungary

ARiA (AR in ACTION) MIT Media Lab, Boston, USA
48forward, Munich, tech conference, Germany

AWE - Augmented World Expo, Munich, Germany
Tech Open Air - Berlin, Germany
AR in ACTION, New York University, USA
Pecha Kucha Budapest
Demoing Prezi A.R. at TED Global, Vancouver, Canada
Present Conference, London, UK
Prezi Day, Brighton, UK

BME Építőművészeti Doktori Iskola

BrainBar Building the Valley in Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Virus Klub- How to invent things
The Next Web, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Arctic15 web summit, Helsinki, Finland

Mexico City Startup Conference, Mexico
Aspen Annual Conference 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
Startup Week, Vienna, Austria

CreativeMornings HQ, Budapest, Hungary
The Secret of Creativity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Market and Investment. Held at Session 3 of the US Embassy, Budapest
Merre van az arra? Kreatív önmenedzsment | Ernst Múzeum

Frontiers of Interaction, From designer hacks to 4 million users, Florence, Italy

Scattered House, London Festival of Architecture, Hungarian Cultural Centre, July 4-6 2008
Royal College of Art, London May 16 2008
Bartlett School of Architecture. Nov 14 18:30 details
ETHZ, Zurich
Transmediale, Berlin
Kretakor Kollegium (hungarian)
Media Architecture Biennale, Vienna, Austria

Royal College of Art, London

Bartlett School of Architecture
Darwin Lecture Theatre, University College London
Toy Hacking Workshop with, London

School of Architecture and io1.0, Rome
IUAV, Venice
Domus Academy, Milan
Bartlett School of Architecture, London
Pecha Kucha at the Venice Biennale of Architecture, Venice, Italy

Interaction design workshop, Domus Academy, Milan, Italy
Mal au Pixel, exhibition and seminar, Paris, France
Game Set Match conference, Delft, The Netherlands
Goldsmith College, department of design, London

Dorkbot Budapest
Matchmaking festival, Trondheim, Norway
Crystalpunk workshop for soft architecture, Utrecht, The Netherlands talk outline
Maker’s Fair, O’Reilly European Open Source Convention, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Westminster University, School of Architecture, London
NTNU School of Architecture, Trondheim, Norway

VIPER Basel, international festival for film video and new media
Induction House at ISEA2004 conference, Helsinki
Workshop leader for basic interaction design through consumer electronics hacking
Konstfack, University College for arts and design, Stockholm
SMART seminar – Millenaris center Budapest, Hungary
DIY Media Architecture Workshop at outside in conference Gothenburg, Sweden