Press related to Startups

CNBC Business, USA

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany

Forbes, Hungary

Liberation, France

Die Presse, Austria (read)

Life and Literature, Hungary (read)

Magyar Narancs, Hungary (read)

Valasz, Hungary (read)

East-West contact, Austria

Hamu es Gyemant, Hungary

Professional Manager, UK

Business & Psychology, Hungary

Karrier, Hungary

Trend, Slovakia

Travel+Leisure, UK

Sunday News, Hungary

Press related to Art and Architecture

Zarora, Interview by Alinda Veiszer, Hungary

Propaganda, Hungary

We Make Money Not Art interview by Regine Debatty (read)

Digicult, Italy, interview by Marco Mancuso (read)

Art Interviews

8 / 06 Interview in We Make Money Not Art english / chinese

9/06, Abszolut (personal portrait), MTV1 (wmv video, hungarian)


12/05, RTL klub, TV2, about Avenue of Cars

5/05 SVT, Swedish National TV, about Brainmirror

6/05, 8/05, 10/05 MTV, Hungarian National TV

Printed Press

12/05, 4/03, 3/03 Octogon Architecture & Design, Hungary

2/05 Architectural Design, UK, 4DSpace, Induction House

4/05 Indian Architect and Builder, India, Induction House

4/05 INDE magazine, Spain, Induction House

4/04 Open Source Architecture article in Nifca Magazine, Helsinki, Finland

8/04 Inductionhouse in ISEA2004 catalogue, Helsinki, Finland

12/04 Dagens Nyheter – Kultur, Sweden about Inductionhouse

11/03 In the meantime, Anthology on Hungarian Architecutre, Hungary

10/03 Élet és Irodalom about Inductionhouse

5/02 Arkitekten 2002/5, Sweden about Screen Threshold installation

Blogs and Online Press (selected)

Information aesthetics,, Építészfórum, Homegarden, Designboom, Milan,,,, coin-operated,